MCIVER. WORLD is so interested in buildings for several reasons. Maybe the most important reason is that buildings need a solid foundation to withstand the elements. Here, in New York City, there are so many skyscrapers. There are so many structures standing tall against any sort of opposition. No matter how much rain, how much thunder, wind…these buildings are still here after so many years. With modern design advancements, new skyscrapers can hope to have the same (if not better) life expectancy.

We use this as an example of what you and I could be. Maybe, at the time of reading this, this isn’t an important topic for you. Maybe, it’s irrelevant. For MCIVER. WORLD, it’s extremely relevant because while we design for the Future in its advancements of technology, we believe that the Authentic Self is something that should be encouraged. The Authentic Self is a belief that a person has a unique set of qualities that make them unique. A lot like a fingerprint.

Unfortunately, in today’s current space, finding that Authentic Self is increasingly difficult. With so many distractions of social media, trends, and the like, it gets hard to think for oneself. It has even been discouraged to think differently in some circles. However, we believe that each person has something to offer to make our society stronger.

So, using the example of buildings with solid structures, MCIVER. WORLD lays a foundation to strengthen the self-love aspect of things and then works outward to the apparel. We will always stand for the inner self, much more than outward appearances because we believe that the innermost self: the love and passion in oneself, becomes the outward display of confidence. Thus, MCIVER. WORLD creates a real foundation for the term: “It’s not on you, it’s in You.”

Tomorrow Starts Today.


The Digital Age